Asanas (postures) :
Postures are the foundation of yoga. Seated, standing, or reclining; bending forward, backward, or to the side; inverted (upside down), or twisting, each posture allows us to affect different parts of the body in a particular way. For your asanas to be effective, you must be attentive to your alignment, because only a well-aligned posture ensures complete respiration and improvement of blood circulation and metabolism in general.
Breathing :
Awareness of breathing is fundamental in yoga practice. The effect of each movement of the body is reinforced by inhalation and exhalation.
Movement :
Our anatomy defines different kinds of movements, such as rotation, flexion, extension, adduction, and abduction (turning, bending, stretching, and movement toward or away from the centre of the body). Each movement has its own effect; in yoga, we combine these movements to produce postures that stimulate or calm the body and spirit.
Awareness :
In the practice of yoga, it is important to understand the connection between body and spirit. Yoga teaches us self-awareness and awareness of nature.
[english translation by Annette from Les bases du Yoga ]
(c) Pilar Grau 2014
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